Today Day Brake released his new EP "Two Faced". It features other musicians as Lies Van Houdt, Ben Cleners and Ward Ceuleers. Stream it here or read some more info about this release;
'Two Faced' brings up the two sides of a relationship. The tracks belong together and guide you through different stages. The number two is a recurring theme on this album.
There are two halves: the first two songs describe passion, love, anger and sadness. Day Brake sings the songs himself as he is alone in this. The interlude "Coraline's Tunnel" breaks this theme as Lies' vocals can be vaguely heard at the end of a tunnel. Once through, the last two tracks are about acceptance, reflection and moving on. However, nothing is black & white so themes as depression and anger at the world still remain. Note that Day Brake is not alone anymore, as Lies joins him.
At the end of the line, we are still alone in this world, although on a superficial level this may not seem the case. This is reflected in the titles of the songs: the songs get less lonely, but their titles get more lonely as in every song the number of words drops by one, until only one remains.
1. 'Worse Than a Stranger'
"You fall in love, quickly. She/he does too. There's a certain chemistry present, one you both haven't experienced before. It's love and you know it. But people are flawed and mistakes are made. It ends abruptly and hard. There's anger and sadness. Still the chemistry remains."
2. 'One Freaky Kind'
"You're processing, reflecting on your life choices and maybe losing some sanity in the proces. You're convinced you are losing it but Mean Boss won't accept you in his hospital. The doctors say you are fine. You fear that without their help, the Two Faced man might get to you."
3. Coraline's Tunnel (interlude)
"It's time to move on."
4. Dream Land
"You've passed through the tunnel. You are on the other side. There are no worries, no overthinking, no fear. There is only riding the wave, living in the present and waiting to see where the trip takes you.
The heart does not want what the brain tells it to do."
5. Existing
"You have reached the end. Your mind has become clear, for the first time in a long period. It's time to reflect on what happened. This song talks about suicide, depression, loss in human faith and above all, the will to live with these things."
Final word
The songs are written months apart, as they were real expressions of my feelings in certain time frames. It's weird how they turn out to form a story, as they were not meant to document one. If you enjoy this EP, please consider sharing it with your friends, family and so on. Thanks for listening and supporting our music!
Stream it here.